Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I can see!

This is a picture of me moments after the post eye exam.
In less than 24 hours I am now20/15!

For those that did not hear, I had my LASIK surgery this last weekend. Things are great! I know it has only been a few days, but I cannot believe how clearly I can see now. I think that because my Astigmatism was so strong, I was not able to focus on objects like I can now. My theory behind this has to do with light. I believe that when you can actually see an object, it is because there is some light reflecting off of it, and moving back towards your retina. Astigmatism sufferers know how light affects their vision. Now that the light is actually focused and concentrated, I can actually look at the definition of an object. I never realized colors were so bright.

The procedure is quite simple. Your eyes are numbed prior to going into the room with eye drops. They contiually numb them throughout the waiting time so that they are completely numb. You sit back in a chair and they slide you under the VISEX instrument. The doctor places a suction cap that looks like a hand held flashlight onto your eye. He covers the end so you only see black. A little vibration and he removes it. This is a little scary to me because at this moment, you know that your eye flap is opened and exposed. Doesn't matter, you can't feel a thing and nothing looks different.
He positions you and begins the laser. I promise you, you don't feel a thing. I was not even sure it was working other than the noise of electrical current. You stare at a red dot and actually watch it come into focus! Don't worry about looking away, you don't even want to. It is soo cool to actually see the dot come into focus that you won't look away.
Less than 24 hours later, my follow up appointment went great. They checked me for 20/20 vision. I actually looked at my optometrist and said, "what about a smaller line, can I try to read a smaller line?" I did that to! 20/15 folks! Whoo-Freakin-Hoo!