Monday, October 09, 2006

October 9th, 2006

Another rainy cold day out here in Durango. The river is raging on...

Not much to share this time around as far a photos. If you have not already, check out Google Videos. I found some pretty cool stuff here. Clops is a clamation MAD TV spin off of COPS. Good stuff if you ask me.

Here is a ponder for ya, Why is it that the basis for dealing with strangers in a business sense in this country is to start off with confrontation? I feel that this has to do with the Wal-Mart-ing of America. Let me explain...

Just the other day I was dealing with an irate see.. she was unhappy with the fact that she was going to be found at fault for an accident, and would need to be issued a citation. As IF I can do anything about this. Like I can just call a manager over to my register (stay with me, I'm speaking metaphorically), and ask for an over-ride because, "This customer is creating quite the uproar, and since we don't want to be responsible for making her unhappy, can you just change the price?"

Not MY FAULT! more on that later...

Check out a picture I took last week of Engineer Mountain. Yep, that's snow folks!