La Plata Canyon
Busy nights as usual at work. I plan to relax on Christmas as nobody I know is in town. I am sure most places are closed tomorrow, so it sounds like a good movie day for me as I am away from family; again.
Looking forward to a ski adventure. I was told by a friend that the snow was waist-deep at DMR! I am not sure I can buy that, but to his credit, it was dumping snow up in the high country all week.
Christmas brings out the family and good cheer in most, but lets not forget those who have to work extra hard on Christmas. Even Santa Claus himself can try to party to hard during the holidays. Have the kids leave the room for this one, as they may be freightened by Santa in his true form.
Be safe and don't drive if you don't have to, as most others on the road have had too much to drink and have convinced themselves they only have a short drive; it'll be ok. Well, we shall see how well that worked out for them on the news December 26th.