Sunday, December 16, 2007

Winter Wonderland...

Just a few weeks ago, we were wondering if the area was going to get any snow at all. If you drove over to the resorts last month, you would have seen the panic in the eyes of the employees as they tried to get ready for the season in shorts and t- shirts. Not even blowing snow because it would melt by noon.

It is a different story this week. It has snowed non stop in the high country for the last two weeks and all the trails and lifts are open. In fact, a few people told me it is the best it has been in years.

I plan to go this weekend for some jumps and turns in Wolf Creek. I thought I would include a photo of a snowshoe trail I went on with Cooper. We hiked into the National Forest and cut down a Christmas Tree (permit of course).

How much money can one person spend? This is why guys $#%$$@ hate this time of year. Sad to say, I'm not even done yet.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Have a NASCAR Christmas!

Here I am hangin' with Jay at the NASCAR theme party. I have to say, this was a god time. The winner of the costume contest has to be Matt, or as we called him, Junior Junior. That's him in the Budweiser jacket.

I went up in the high country today to get my X-mas tree. I put on the snowshoes and hikes for about a mile until I came across the perfect Charlie Brown style tree. I figured if I am gonna have to drag this thing outta here, it shouldn't resemble the Rockefeller Center tree.

I have a few more parties to go to this year. I hope all is well.